About :
What is a fanlisting ?
A fanlisting is a place where fans of a particular subject (show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc.) group together and build the biggest listing of people who are fans of that subject.
The listing is containing their name, country and contact.
That way, fans of the same interest are able to contact each other and can get to know other fans from all around the world.
This fanlisting is worldwide and accepts all fans ! ^_^
Rules :
• You MUST be a fan of George. [Why else would you join ?]
• Yes, you can use a nickname, as long as it's normal. If your name is Jonathan, but everybody calls you Joe, you can enter this, but NOTgeorgeisverycooool88, FaNoFGeOrGeNeWbErN, SpaceCowBoy_90_Dalton !
• You must have a valid email address to join.
• You don't need to have a site to join, but if you do, and want it listed, you MUST add a code to link back here before joining and keep it up at all times. [No porn, hate, racism, etc or I'll not list the site]
• Direct linking of the buttons is NOT allowed ! Save codes to your own server.
• You must link back to this URL : http://renard.m.free.fr/newbern/
• If any of your information changes, please tell me (don't forget to tell your member number).